What will the events of the future look like?

Within the next 10 years we can anticipate that there will be 9 billion people on the internet, and most of these will be operating at 5G+ high speed.

There will be quantum leaps in the development of biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, and technologies that we have barely heard of (or haven’t been named) will also become popular currency. The rate of change will continue to accelerate so that politicians and regulators will struggle (even more than hitherto) to keep pace with innovation and respond to the influences and opportunities that technology creates in our societies. In simple terms, we need foresight with a breadth, scale and sophistication that has not yet existed in human history in order to map the ideal course through the 2020s.

Event planners, show organisers and brand managers also need insight into many of these technology and social developments, and specifically how they will impact their audiences and the wider events industry.

In our whitepaper, we look at the advances that point the way to the coming trends in digital engagement and face-to-face events. Whilst it’s too early to say exactly how these trends will evolve over the next decade, we intend to be among the first to find out.

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